Fabulous Flexitags!

As the dogs are enjoying a fabulous game of bitey face* and running at speeds a cheetah would be impressed with, I can’t help but notice the absence of the irritating jingle jangle noise from Jelli’s collar AGAIN. *Bitey Face is a game only played on walks, whilst running at top speeds trying to bite Read More

Growing Old (Un)Gracefully!

It’s the one thing as pet owners we hate talking about. The taboo subject that we all ignore and avoid (both in humans and animals!) Aging. That one little word that fills us with dread. Now this blog will hopefully make dealing with your dogs (or any pet for that matter) a little easier and less Read More

Ready for some Ruff & Tumble?

Being typical spaniels, the girls do have a tendency to return from their walks far dirtier than when they set off! If there is a puddle or mud, you can be sure they will find it! So we teamed up with Ruff and Tumble Dog Drying Coats to see if their drying mitts and coats Read More

Tea & Cake for Humans & Hounds!

With summer almost here and the days staying lighter long it’s now the perfect time to explore the countryside with your dog. Finding new walks is a favourite pastime of ours, the Somerset and Wiltshire countryside is full of hidden gems with most walks starting or ending at fabulous dog friendly pubs and tea rooms. We Read More