DogFest West 2018

So we have just about recovered from DogFest West on Sunday! A jam packed day filled with LOADS of activities and things to do for your pooch! With lots of food stands (mainly for your dog) and stands selling everything from collars to clothes and beds to balls!


It was scorching day  – 28 degrees! – so made sure we had packed travel bowls for water and the girls cooling coats and bandannas. Fortunately we had pre-booked tickets (Thanks Guru Pet Food!!) so we could bypass the queue and made a beeline for the Water stand and filled up our bottles and soaked the cooling coats.

Once settled and we got our bearings we started off having a look around to see who we knew and what lovely products there were for sale! We started off by visiting the team at Pet Drugs Online who made a huge fuss of Jelli and we finally got to see the advert she starred in for the first time on the big screen! They weighed both girls and gave them lots of fuss and treats before we set off to see what else was on offer!


We were approached by LOTS of people asking if the girls wanted to sample their food and treats, we had to politely decline after the first few as I didn’t want to have two full up dogs with lots of different foods potentially upsetting their tummies!

We had to say hello to the lovely team at Bath Country Pets who had a stand there and just a few stalls up was the lovely Tracey from the Distinguished Dog Company! They sell the most fabulous tops for hoomans and gorgeous bowties and bandannas for dogs! We had to buy one of her lovely ‘Walkies’ T-Shirts which will feature in a blog post super soon!

By this point we had been walking for nearly an hour and it was getting hotter so we stopped off at the Fetch by Ocado rest area, the girls had a chill out on the deck chairs and I filled up our water bottles again – we then watched some of the Agility and Dog Diving which was very funny!!


After another nice rest we made a beeline for the BEST stand there….

Once at the Guru stand both girls felt right at home! Relaxing on the comfy arm chairs they had their photos taken and made sure Lisa knew they were there!


Several handfuls of the delicious Guru Food later (they certainly wouldn’t need tea!) we said hello to  Megan, Woody and Wilma from the Cotswold Spaniels and had some more photos taken and chose what goodies they wanted to take home! Guru have some exciting new treats to accompany the venison sausages in the form of dried fish skins! These treats need a write up of their own so keep your eyes peeled!

After spending time here in the shade it was time to think about heading home! We couldn’t help but pass the George Barclay stand again and check out their stunning dog beds – we are even more excited that they are going to be working with us in the very near future!!


We all had a lovely time and highly recommend the DogFest festival to anyone who loves dogs! There is one DogFest left this year at Hertfordshire in July so if your local pop along and have fun! Hopefully we will see some of you next year!




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